Color Grid
Generate a color grid from color presets.
Appearances are created and updated automatically.
You need to login In order to buy this plugin
Scenes: Store and recall grid selections
Hold: Global hold button lets you make selections (in several grids) and "launch" your changes at once.
Sub-Grouping (Multi-Presets): Easily select more than 1 preset for the same group, creating sub-groups.
Transitions: Easy to use 10 transition MATricks, with advanced Transition editor.
(Not compatible with Multi-Session setups)
A feature rich playback grid generator.
/ Compatible with MA3 v2.0, v2.1, v2.2
Live Grid
Live Grid
And more...
Quick and smart editor for 10 transitions.
Transition Editor
Quickly switch between editable transitions.
Select multiple presets for the same group. Uses sub-grouping MATrick.
Hold selection, make several grid selections and then release.
Store and recall scenes with auto-generated thumbnails.
Store and recall scenes with auto-generated thumbnails.
Hold selection, make several grid selections and then release.
Select multiple presets for the same group. Uses sub-grouping MATrick.
Quickly switch between editable transitions.
Transition Editor
Quick and smart editor for 10 transitions.
Marco Bento, Portugal
Shut Up!
”Easy and simple setup without any additional software.
Shut up and take my money plugin :-)”
Lorcan Clarke, USA
Game Changer
”This is an absolute game changer for programming at home onPC. The plug-in interface is very easy to use and fast to configure. This plugin speeds up making presets, layout views or even moving timecode events.”
You, Somewhere
Change: change transitions default to have "Use Exec Time" disabled.
Change: change transition editor login so that in MA3 2.2 it is clear that when Use Exec Time is enabled then there is no Sweep.
Change: make selected non-color grid buttons with wider frame, and add padding to the content within the frame
Fix: fix version update to Not reuseAssets from 1.5.6 or 1.5.7
Fix: fix infra version update, don't re-read plugin data after version update.
Fix: fix AutoShuffle which was applying shuffle when not in RND direction.
Fix: fix error when changing Group configuration after an instance was created.
Fix: fix instance config dialog section. Virtual Keyboard would close everytime the alert error message was shown or hidden.
Fix: fix scribbles - workaround MA bug that occurs in 2.1
​v1.5.9 [02-21-25]
Fix: fix scribbles. Also allow a grid button to have both Appearance AND a Scribble.
Change: change selected image & text color from yellow to white.
​v1.5.6 [02-19-25]
Fix: fix rare error when using a preset that has data for a fixture without FID, and it is ina Grouping fixture with no FID.
Optimize: optimize regenerating preset appearances when preset content changes.
​v1.5.5 [02-17-25]
Fix: fix issue with hooks being remove after first regen is called.
​v1.5.2 [01-21-25]
Adapt to MA3 version
Change: change hold color from red to purple
Fix: fix missing dialog colors
Fix: fix issue with scenes being auto-stored after version update.
Fix: workaround for wierd MA Bug that causes a Macro line to become an invalid object.
Fix: fix Layout appearance update when Show Creator is used to generate new colors and overwrite existing presets.
Fix: Optimize preset hooks when preset content changes. (Especially when Patch is Saved)
Fix: allow allGroupId to be unset (Bug introduced in 1.3.4)
Fix/Optimize: fix slow auto-regen when Patch is exited. Aggregate preset changes, so that there is one regen for each instance instead of for each preset.
Refactor: Big refactor for all hooks handling. Prepare to optimize.
Refactor: optimize WidgetManager when toggling config layout
​v1.5.1 [01-19-25]
Change: always fire a transition (new cue) when a selection is made (or Scene recalled), also if no changes in the selection were made.
New: new config "clickAction" which has "Fire" by default, but can be set to "Toggle". In "Toggle" mode, you can click a selected grid cell to de-select it.
New: When de-activating a group (On/Off button) and there is a selection, then the selected grid cell shows it is inactive.
New: Allow setting "Groups Label Width" to 0, in which case the "Config" button (With the ProPlugins logo at the top left corner) is moved to the actions bar. Also Allow hiding it with "Config Button" settings (Show/hide).
Change: AllGroups On/Off button turns all groups on if some of the groups are ON and some off. (It used to be that the AllGroups On/Off was disabled in thisw case)
Change: Allow empty groups. Show warning in config, and don't show Grid cell buttons for empty groups.
Fix: fix error when a group is empty (no fixtures)
Fix: fix error when importing new plugin version but NOT installing it. Older plugins not don't work properly. Solution is to not instantiate Core until new plugin version is installed.
Fix: fix release presets update when config changes.
Fix: Add hook for allGroup.
Fix: fix some instance config updates don't work after version update.
Core: v1.0.25 - fix issue with version update. Move Core plugin stub to another data-pool.
​v1.4.3 [12-14-24]
Fix: limit number of groups to 13 in the config dialog. Otherwise we would get errors later on.
Fix: fix error in Dialog "Create Instance", when Patch has fixtures with no FID.
Fix: fix plugin startup error when the current DataPool is not the Data Pool of one of the instance's groups, presets or assets.
Fix: store allGroup handle instead of id. Allows moving the allGroup without breaking the config.
Fix: Core v1.0.24 - fix plugin init when current data pool is not where the core plugin resides. Moved Macros and Sequences to separate DataPool.
Fix: allow Grid selections to be made also if the current data pool is not the data pool where the plugin was originally installed in.
Fix: fix error in resolveStepColor attributeValue is nil
​v1.3.4 [11-28-24]
Fix: when preset content is changed and the number of steps changed, the UI was only partially updated.
Fix: in some case, depending on the show file, toggling to Config layout caused an error.
Optimize: optimize Create instance dialog, make filtering groups by preset-family-support faser.
Optimize: optimize fectching and processing preset data. Latency was noticeable with selective presets with several hundrad fixtures.
​v1.3.2 [10-31-24]
Change: selecting a preset of a group which is not active, will activate the group.
Optimize: optimize blink layout updates
Optimize: Grid selection feedback
Optimize: Generic infra optimization makes everything a little bit faster.
​v1.3.1 [10-25-24]
Fix: adapt to MA3 v2.1.1.2
Fix: Widget alert dialog height
Fix: fix global transitions. Global transitions could only be used if you generate an instance
and set the transitions to Global in the config dialog BEFORE creating the instance. -
​Optimization: Disable pre-store presets optimization
​v1.2.9 [10-07-24]
Fix: fix UI dialogs with SelectButtons sometimes being smaller than they should
Fix: MATrick dialog, fix error when xGroup or xBlock is out of range
Fix: fix error when a Grouping fixture exists that has no FID.
Optimize: Get group content data by group.selectionData and not by exporting group XML files.
​v1.2.6 [09-10-24]
New: add support for preset Scribbles
New: add auto-appearance for presets with Color Wheel data
New: add "Edit Custom Scribble" to preset edit appearance dialog
New: add config option "Transition Columns"
New: MainDialog no can have a scroll bar in the instance list. But still there is a limit of 10 instances, so no need for scrollbar.
New/Fix: add auto-update-enabled flag for preset-custom-appearance. When appearance is editted the flag becomes false (Locked) until manually set to true (Unlocked). This fixes an issue that when the Patch is saved & exited, custom appearances would be overwritten.
Change: if custom preset appearance has no image, then prefer showing the preset label
Change: Default color appearances - for each preset, find the color which is used by the most fixtures (in the preset), and choose that color for the appearance.
Change: Don't include empty presets in suggested default config
Fix: add hook when preset's appearance is modified
Fix: when custom UnSelected appearance's image is changed, apply the image also to the Selected appearance
Fix: fix update of displayed scribble, when preset's scrible is set to None
Fix: add hook when the preset's apearance change.
Fix: add workaround for MA bug where color wheel color values are out of range.
Fix: fix color auto-appearance resolution
Fix: fix global transitions auto-appearance
Fix: fix assigning No-Appearance to presets
Fix: fix issue when there is a gap in cue numbers in the grid's sequences.
Fix: recover from corrupted state during versio updtae, if last seq's cue still has preset ids instead of object hadles.
Fix: fix error when preset has a fixture step with no "Function" attribute.
Fix: [Infra] fix error when a DataPool's child was renamed and is not using the default object name.
​v1.2.5 [09-01-24]
Add: actual preset family pool names to config dialog when creating an instance.
Change: Increase group limit to 15
Change/Fix: Transitions - new editor logic. Mainly allow fade time when there is "No Sweep". So that a grid sequence can be used with an assigned Rate Master.
Change: Sub-Grouping - allow xGroups 1-5, xBlock 1-10, and xWings 1-4
Fix: fix error when reading a nameless preset content
Fix: new core 1.0.21 with fixed HoldRuntime. Only in case Hold macro is assigned to an executor and used multiple times without Abort.
Fix: fix grid layout issues when there is only 1 group and not showing AllGroup buttons
Fix: when updating the config, don't update appearances of presets that were not changed.
Fix: fix gobo image resolution for SubFixtures and any fixture with a CID, or missing Wheel.
Fix: support groups with fixtures of any ID types (Fixture, Channel, Universal,...)
Fix: support groups & presets with fixtures that are SubFixtures
Fix: fix default color appearances
Fix: fix error when a color preset has Release values.
Fix: fix combination groups when there is an empty group
Fix: fix combination groups when there are more than a 1000 fixtures to remove from the AllGroup
Fix: fix widget alert poping up when opening MainDialog through Config layout, after migration.
Fix: fix error when toggling Delete mode and Grid Layou has no scenes section.
Optimize: move sub-grouping MATricks to common Hidden DataPool, instead of generating for each instance.
Optimize: optimize MainDialog instance config validation
Optimize: internally store preset/group object handles instead of preset/group-ids.
Optimize: optimize generating combination groups
Optimize: Combination Groups Generation - if no AllGroup is defined, then don't generate one.
Optimize: Combination Groups Generation - optimize when subtracting fixturtes from the AllGroup. Much faster now.
Debug: Add setloglevel,printdebug commandline actions
​v1.1.2 [08-02-24]
Fix: fix window change hook of ScreenContent on MA3 v1.9.x
Fix: enable tracking for main grid sequence. (In case the user's default settings is tracking disabled)
Fix: fix error when color attribute is not found in the show file.
Fix: fix error when ScreenContent obj name has been changed
Fix: fix error when a fixture in the patch is using a CID. And IDType other than Fixture.
​v1.0.13 [07-10-24]
Fix: fix error with a fixture attribute definition is missing the Feature property. Happened when opening the MainDialog.
Optimize: When Main Dialog starts, remove redundant initialization of default config values. Only needed when creating a new instance.
Optimize: During group content change event, don't rebuild group combinations if group content did not change.
Optimize: During preset content change event, don't regenerate appearance if preset is not Color or Gobo.
​v1.0.11 [06-19-24]
Add: Add support for all ColorRGB attribute (RGB, CMY, CW, WW,...) when generating color appearances.
Add: add progress-bar on Startup
Fix: fix error when generating color grid and preset has no RGB value
Fix: when initializing a new LayoutWindow, first set disable LockPosition and then apply Auto-Fit and Stretch mode.
Fix: fix resetCues when sequence is empty.
Fix: fix a rare race-condition error on version update
Fix: fix reset-cues when current state has inactive groups
Fix: fix error startup not running, when core update is done. (New core 1.0.20)
Fix: fix error when creating moare than ~7 instances. (increased Macro generation limit)
Fix: fix core assign Moggle buttons (Config, Delete, Hold)
Fix: make config layout in the same Layout offset as the Selection grid. Allows working with Auto-fit disabled.
Fix: if grid sequence is Off when MA3 is starting, then don't Go the sequnence. reset the cues, but keep it off.
Fix: fix dialog error when creating instance and clicking on the "New Instance" list item.
Fix: core - fix startup hack after version update
Fix: fix error when using Preset Family All
Fix: when regenerating grid always delete ALL Layout elements first
Fix: fix issues related to reseting the main grid sequence. (when adding/removing groups)
Change: Add red frame to scenes section when delete mode active
Change: make grid sequence label include the name of the grid instance
Optimize: no need to update Layout when a preset content is changed (but appearance doesn't)
​v1.0.9 [06-12-24]
​Fix: fix windowChangeListener not acting when assigned layout changes
Fix: fix update config when All-Group changes
Fix: fix build output to have MA3 2.0 prefix
​v1.0.4 [05-19-24]
Fix: fix windowChangeListener errors. Disable listening for window resize, only for layout change.
​v1.0.1 [05-18-24]
Initial release
​v1.0.0 [05-12-24]